Ethics, morals, and men behaving disgustingly

28 thoughts on “Ethics, morals, and men behaving disgustingly”

  1. When it comes to our public representatives, I’ve always said that as long as the good and decent can’t or won’t do it then we’re always going to get what’s left. The problem is that, because the “what’s left” have all the power when it comes to the public arena, the “good and decent” are unwilling to step into what they think of as a public cesspool.

  2. It is something to ponder. Bill Clinton apparently was on a quest to win the prize for the celebrity with the lowest moral standards, yet he probably will go down in history as one of our best presidents.

    1. Maybe he got a pass because he’d been in office a while and had already done some positive things? As much as I despised him at the time, he did seem to redeem himself and as far as we know, stayed on the straight and narrow. Weiner has already blown his chance to do that.

    1. If Weiner and Filner never serve in public office again, and if Rivera is never seen on TV again, I’ll be satisfied that they didn’t get away with it. But I’m not holding my breath.

  3. A good post with which I agree PT, but it begs the question: has the public’s tolerance for bad behavior increased in the modern era? Or was it merely hidden in those halcyon days of yore when Amy Vanderbilt was a recognized household name? If Weiner were to be elected mayor of Gotham, that would be an irrefutable answer, eh?

    1. I grew up with Amy Vanderbilt and Emily Post. As you can imagine, that leaves me aghast at a lot of what is considered “acceptable behavior” these days. Typical old lady, I suppose. If Weiner were elected, it would confirm my darkest fears about the degradation and decline of American values.

  4. Hate to say this, but I’ve changed my way of thinking, too. I didn’t want to know about the horrible things people did in their personal lives, but it really tells you about the kind of people they are.

    And this: “I think she’s a fool for staying with him.” Yes! Why the hell hasn’t Abedin left the Weiner? All she’s doing is saying, “Go ahead. Walk all over me.” How many men would tolerate being cuckholded?

    1. It’s been mentioned that she’s Muslim and thus is obliged to be subservient to her husband. I’d hate to think that’s the case. No woman should be required to stay with a cheating pervert of a husband if she doesn’t want to.

  5. A lot of people are willing to overlook Bill Clinton’s behavior because he did a lot of good things (and even then he is a mixed bag: DOMA? Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?) but there’s a case to be made that his behavior with ML (an employee, technically speaking) led Al Gore to refuse to allow Clinton to advise his staff or campaign for him in an election that Gore narrowly lost. If Clinton had been in good standing and on the campaign trail for Gore, Gore likely would have won. It’s hard to say what might have gone on from there, but I think Clinton’s risky behavior shares some of the blame for the misdeeds, miscalculations and malfeasance of the Bush/Cheney administration.

    1. True, had Gore been elected, we would have been spared the debacle that was Bush/Cheney. But I attribute his loss more to Republican shenanigans in Florida and the Supreme Court than to Clinton’s shenanigans in the White House. We’ve no way of knowing how Clinton’s philandering affected (or didn’t affect) the course of history.

      1. I agree. I can’t help but think, though, that Clinton could have helped Gore achieve a decisive victory that might – might – have kept the Republicans in check. Hindsight is 20-20!

  6. It makes me wonder if somehow this is all become acceptable. What does sending lewd pictures of yourself to someone who isn’t your wife (or even your wife for that matter) really say about you? I think it says you’re a dipshit. And do we want dipshits for leaders? Well, it would appear that we might. Which then raises the question – who is really the dipshit?

    1. That is indeed the question. If a self-professed, repeatedly offending dipshit runs for office and gets elected, I’d have to assume the people who voted for him are dipshits too — and even more irresponsible than the dipshit they elected, since they are willing to impose his dipshittyness on the entire population for a period of years.

  7. I may say that ethics are rules you give to yourself, wether “you” are individual, corporate, profession… morals is more a kind of general rules of a society, that individuals interiorize more or less.
    You may not lie or steal, use violence to get things… As societies may be different so the morals should be different. For some people the bad thing is to be caught, for others the bad thing is to do bad. For some it is bad to be feable, then depends on others, for others it is bad to be too individualist. It depends.

    Dignity is highly associated to morals. In fact it depends on what is your position in regard to others. If you represent somehow other persons, then you should preserve their dignity by preserving yours.
    the old exhibitionist let me totally indifferent. Maybe he has humour, so …
    the sex addiction seem to be usual by politician in USA (even a fresh and naive french politician had been corrupted… I am kidding ). Clinton, Bill, was not only sex addict, he was also a dreamer, a liar. What Clinton, Hillary, accepted conducted her to agree on Irak War II, on strong lies, and to let Bush II be reelected. In fact she accepted her husband to lie, so the american people should have accepted Bush’s men lies.

    As I see them politician could be described by “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. Where the good or the bad are just a question of color wich are mixed in a living mud, or will led us into lethal purity.

    I hope that my english writing did not betray my goodwill.

    1. I agree that different societies have different standards for acceptable behavior. What upsets me is that the standards in this country seem to be falling lower and lower.

      As for Clinton and others (almost always men) being sex addicts, I don’t believe there is such a thing as “sex addiction.” I think there are people who lack self-control and self-respect and/or think they are somehow entitled to do whatever they want.

      1. They are medicals for sex addiction, though. As far as I am concerned, addiction to sex is very linked to power. Freud spoke about the “phallus”, power seen as a masculin sex organ.
        Of course I agree wiht you, the problem is not the way they live or as you better say , behave, but the way it have no consequences where normal citizen would broken in pieces.
        But I do not think that things are worse now than they were “before”, I tend to think it is because we know them. It is more frank, obvious. But maybe this is a worse.

  8. Well said! There’s not much to add after reading the other comments. It’s so sad that in our society today..”shame” seems not to exist…any act that enters a persons head is acceptable…we are indeed in a moral decline and I am not looking forward to what this country will become.

  9. (Been out of pocket and trying to catch up) The perfect post. Please people – I don’t want to know. (and I think you are right about Huma’s ambitions – this is his 2nd time. Have some dignity and leave….oh, standing near power and it’s such a drug…)
    “one’s private life is relevant in that it demonstrates how one thinks, behaves, and conducts oneself. It demonstrates one’s trustworthiness and sense of responsibility and self-respect — or lack thereof. It shows how a person behaves when he or she thinks the world isn’t watching” Well said.
    “quite clearly their personal values. And an individual’s personal values don’t suddenly change when they report to work. Those values continue to influence every act, every decision. You can’t be a lying, narcissistic fool in private and an honest, trustworthy person in public. ”
    So true. Excellent post

    1. And yet Weiner goes on. He has the unmitigated gall to say, “This isn’t about me, it’s about the people of New York.” Unbelievable. I don’t know he can face people, much less make another commercial, after what he’s done.

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