Happy Birthday, Jon Stewart!

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Jon Stewart!”

    1. Carlin’s play with language is what first attracted me to him. (I was hooked from the moment I heard his Wonderful WINO bit on Johnny Carson back in the ’60s.) I don’t know when I first stumbled into Stewart. Both came by accident because I don’t really seek out comedy for entertainment. Nope, haven’t read the book.

  1. You and I are in full agreement here, and especially on Carlin. I have long been in awe of his facility with the language, his intelligence, his candor, his insights into the human condition. Enjoyed both clips – thanks.

    1. Throughout the interminable campaign of 2012, I kept wishing Carlin were still with us. We needed his candid assessment of the situation — and you know he’d have had a field day.

  2. Great post PT. You know I’m a big fan of both Stewart and Carlin. I so wish my back would cooperate long enough to let me enjoy the videos and the HuffPost link!

... and that's my two cents