Yeah, I like Halloween

13 thoughts on “Yeah, I like Halloween”

  1. Gives me the sh*ts bigtime that Aussies are taking to this. Not an Aussie thing. We don’t need a celebration of children going to strangers’ doors.

    1. Not a fan myself. Haven’t been for a long time, especially as it became more and more dangerous for the kids. I enjoyed it as a child, of course, but that was more than 60 years ago. Times have certainly changed.

  2. I was surprised to learn from the news about the stampede that Halloween is now popular in South Korea, not for the candy thing but for costume partying among teens and young adults. Turns out that culture is immensely malleable! I note that the term “celebration” is being used in describing the crush that preceded the disaster. Personally, I’m not a fan of the “holiday.” What’s to celebrate? Death? That’s less funny the older I get. And, it’s unhealthy and increasingly unsafe. Apparently I arose cynical this morning. Sorry.

    1. Any excuse for a party, I suppose, although the death toll in that Seoul crush/stampede was horrifying. With the large Hispanic population here, Dia de los Muertos celebrations take the macabre edge off Halloween, since the two occur within a few days of each other.

      From “The Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos), is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration.”

  3. I’m a horror-movie fan so goes without saying that I love Halloween, although I no longer dress up or celebrate it. But I love all the scary movies they show during the month.

    1. Well, you can watch them all for me. I stopped watching at about age 12, when two specific movies I still remember caused nightmares. And one in high school, or early college, sent three of us home in search of bright lights and stiff drinks.

  4. …we didn’t do Halloween when I was a kid, so I was pretty ‘meh’ about the whole thing. But I wanted to make sure my kids had a relatively normal childhood, so I started them off pretty early on all the regular stuff — Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Halloween. I don’t see Halloween as being anymore dangerous or unhealthy (mind, body, spirit) than any of the other Big Ones.

    I know my kids really enjoy the whole thing — choosing the costumes, the dressing up, knocking on doors, getting all the candy. And I like that they like it. People in my region go all out for it… the decorations, and the candy — my parents gave out candy to 160 kids last night before they called it a night at 7pm.

    …Halloween is supposed to be a celebration of the dead, just like el Día de los Muertos: “…the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day. It begins the observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.” — Wiki. It just got commercialized.

    1. Commercialized like most every other holiday. Sad. All the major holidays were BIG when I was a kid. I guess I’ve burned out on them and their commercialization. Good on you for keeping it going for your kids. They will remember.

      Cute pic!!

      1. …that’s Victor, my oldest. He’s going to be 13-years old soon, and he still loves going out Trick or Treating. I hope they remember.

        I’m mostly burned out on Christmas and Easter, to be honest (I didn’t have those when I was a kid either). Christmas is just too big and expensive, even when you try to make it not so, and Easter is like Halloween for lazy people — all the candy is inside the house. Kwanzaa and Hanukkah seem… quieter.

        1. Aha, I wondered if there might be a connection there. He’s a cutie and obviously having a great time. Can you believe he’s already 13, almost? They grow up so fast! But trust me, if my own experience is any indication, your kids will remember. With few exceptions, all my best holiday memories are from childhood.

... and that's my two cents